Friday, March 9, 2012

The Hybrid SUV: A Guilt-Free Alternative To ... - Automotive Web Portal

Written on March 9th, 2012 by admin

In recent years, hybrid autos have grown to be more and more well-liked for a variety of reasons. Among also the most hardened skeptics, hybrid vehicles have been acquiring traction in their appeal. When most people think about hybrid cars, they may picture the oddly-shaped Honda Insight hybrid from the late 1990s, with its real wheels covered by super sized fenders, or maybe the popular Toyota Prius.

Lately, nonetheless, several auto manufacturers have been making hybrid SUVs as a substitute to the gas-guzzling standard SUVs that previously dominated the market. To a degree, this shift toward the hybrid SUV was due to decreasing large SUV and truck sales toward the end of the first decade of the 2000s; the weakening economy and rising gas prices generated these types of vehicles too costly to drive for some American families.

To combat this trend, manufacturers began production on more efficient SUVs. In 2004, the first hybrid SUV (the Ford Escape) hit the market, as were the first hybrid trucks (the Chevy Silverado as well as Dodge Ram). The leading principles behind hybrids are to achieve the highest gas mileage possible and to have the smallest ecological impact by means of fuel efficiency and low emissions.

So far, manufacturers have pretty much mastered the ability to provide vehicles with better efficiency whilst maintaining the power as well as performance of the old gas-guzzling SUVs. Hybrid SUVs work by mixing an electric motor with the typical internal combustion engine. The electric motor runs off a huge battery that is recharged whenever the car coasts or brakes. The electric motor is liable for powering the vehicle during stop-and-start travel as well as acceleration to highway speeds.

The electric motor also powers accessories that would normally run off gasoline, like the A/C compressor. The gas engine is used mainly for increased acceleration and greater speeds. The switch from electricity to gas is handled by a sophisticated computer. The advantages of buying one of a hybrid SUV are many. For one, there are various tax incentives, which include a federal tax incentive as well as state incentives that may differ from state to state.

As well, drivers will be pleased by the knowledge that they are driving in a much more ?green? vehicle, aiding to lessen carbon emissions that cause climate issues. With regards to toxic chemicals, hybrids are as much as 97% lower emitters as opposed to standard cars, and half as bad in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. Because of the hybrid nature of the car, mileage is far better. In the city, where stop-and-start driving and low speeds lead to heavier reliance on the battery, hybrids get considerably better mileage.

On the highway, wherein the vehicle leans more largely on the gas tank, mileage is around 10% better. There are several incidental benefits that may interest the potential car buyer as well: the driving experience is no different ? the car takes care of switching between gas and electricity; commutes are reduced, since hybrids are usually allowed in HOV streets; the hybrid is a politically-correct talking point in social instances; and the novelty of owning one of the coolest ?gadgets?.

There are also disadvantages to hybrid SUVs, but they are few. For instance, registration fees may be higher. Also, the vehicles are more pricey in terms of the initial price tag. The complexity of the powertrain raises the points at which a failure may happen, and increases repair costs. With regards to repairs, parts may be more difficult to get and more expensive too. Generally though, a hybrid is a money- and environment-saver over time.


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