Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jessica Alba's Honest Company Tried to Come for Honest Toddler ...

Honest Toddler

For the past year or so, there?s been a satirical account on Twitter called @HonestToddler, whose tweets are what you?d imagine every mischievous toddler thinks but can?t express. It?s complete hilarity because those of us who deal with toddlers regularly know how much they can be jerks (but they?re so cute so they can?get away with it).

Honest Toddler gives us such gems as:

It?s genius and I am HERE for it.

Today, the Honest Toddler Facebook fan page posted:

Honest Toddler Honest Company

I honestly didn?t e?em know Jessica Alba had a company, let alone one called Honest Company. Apparently, what her company does is deliver monthly eco-friendly products to families with babies.

And they are threatening to sue a fake toddler on the web for being known as ?Honest Toddler.? I have a couple of questions. And some, I will answer myself.

1. If the Honest Company interviewed Honest Toddler last year and ki-kied it up then, what changed to make them go ?WAYMENT! We don?t like this! DELETE DELETE DELETE!? I know what changed. Honest Toddler got more popular than their company and they?re butthurt about it. TUCK IN YOUR SALTY, Honest Company! How about YOU be clever and you do better? Maybe then you wouldn?t feel threatened by a satirical toddler who makes us all laugh.

b. Is there really brand confusion between Honest Toddler and Honest Company? Are people REALLY out here thinking they?re associated? Related, ?Honest? is such a general word that can it be trademarked at all? (I want my lawyer readers to answer this)

iii. Why doesn?t Honest Company try to partner with Honest Toddler, if they feel like it?s threatening to them? That would have been a win-win. Looks like SOMEONE never learned to share! Yes, the company clearly needs to go back to that week in kindergarten.

4a. Why did the company really go straight to the threats of legal action? Oh I know. Because a lot of people will buckle under that weight and after hearing that lawyers will get involved. And because Honest company is lacks a sense of humor.

Oprah Side Eye Gif

Well, you know. the Honest Company team DID get what they want here. More people know that the company exists now. So YAYYYY them. But will more people wanna patronize them? Nawl. All publicity isn?t good publicity and this one is terrible.



Update: Honest Toddler spoke with the company and apparently, it was a ?misunderstanding.? Ummm? yeah. That?s word for ?we messed up and didn?t realize the whole internet would raise hell and people would threaten to quit us.? Ennehweighs, they?re now giving away a year?s worth of diapers to someone on the Honest Toddler Facebook page.

Well, good for them.

The moral of this story is that Goliath, don?t come for David because David might be small but he got peoples. Honest Toddler wins. JUICE BOXES FOR EVERYONE!

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Tags: Featured, Honest Company, Honest Toddler, Jessica Alba, Lawsuit

Category: Random


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