Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gay christian cleric offers candy coated religion | Gay Christian ...

Judge for yourself. The lesbian minister from the Metropolitan Community Church talks as if religion and relationships are like picking what type of candy you like at the supermarket check out line. Maybe gay religion is like a box of chocolates?

All humor aside, is there anyway to qualify whether a relationship is good or bad? Does the scripture leave it up to the individual to decide what is ?natural? to them? Are Christians given the freedom to define what sexual relationship is acceptable and unacceptable? Standards exist in every facet of life: home, government, education, law, even the arts. Contestants can?t even remain on American Idol for long if a certain standard of entertainment ?and talent? isn?t maintained. Yet, the gay christian movement would have the church believe that homosexual relationships are somehow just?exempt. GCM Watch would like to issue a 7 day challenge any member of the gay christian movement to please submit a list of criteria whereby we may adequately judge the validity of homosexual relationships.

Gay theology is rooted in an old heresy. As we explained before, antinomianists argued their exemption from moral conduct and restrictions on the basis of grace. It allowed them to do whatever was ?natural? in their ideological habitat and still claim relationship with Christ. Antinomianists assert that salvation is based on faith in God and therefore obedience to God?s law is not necessary at any stage in a Christian?s life. Reportedly, it was the Christian reformer Martin Luther who first used this expression, antinomianism, to refer to the views of his friend, Johannes Agricola, in the sixteenth century. Agricola taught that the moral law of God was in no way binding upon those who are justified by faith alone. Johannes Agricola taught Christians are entirely free from the moral law of God. This is completely false and has no scriptural basis.

In fairness, antinomianism is not exclusive to gay christianity, but it is personified most in gay christianity. According to Christian theologian Dr J.I. Packer?s view of antinominianism, its adherents elevate following the ?spirit? above scripture thereby creating an easy out from moral restrictions.

?What matters is not what the Scripture tells me. I am a spiritual person, filled with the Holy Spirit. I am above the law of the Scripture. I am led by the Spirit, and the Spirit overrules the Scripture. The Spirit can even contradict the Scripture. I am a spiritual Christian, and I am led by the Spirit. I do what the Spirit tells me, and I don?t worry about the Holy Scriptures.?

Perhaps you remember the United Church of Christ?s ?God is still speaking? and ?dont place a period where God has placed a comma? mantra, which draws heavily from antinominic ideology.

Applicable scriptures: Judges 21:25, Romans 6:1, Titus 2:11, 1 John 3:4-7, Jude 4.

This story is a repost from June 2007 archives.

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