Thursday, April 4, 2013

Oops! Sorry! Another Obamacare Goal Missed: Small Businesses ...

RUSH:? When was it, last week, Thursday or Friday, that I said that everything happening confused me? ? I forget what day it was last week.? Well, today everything is boring me.? Everything in the world, and I don't care about any of it today.? I'm not supposed to tell you that, by the way.? That goes against every media broadcast principle that there is.? I'm just supposed to do it and let you wonder if I'm bored.? I'm not supposed to admit it.? But it is what it is.?

If you look real hard today in the back of the front section of the New York Times, you'll find a story on Obamacare, which is where a lot of the stories on Obamacare are now in the New York Times. Hard to find, because the news on Obamacare isn't all that good.? Here's another one, and the headline of this story:? "Small Firms' Offer of Plan Choices Under Health Law Delayed."

And here's the crux of it.? "Unable to meet tight deadlines in the new health care law, the Obama administration is delaying parts of a program intended to provide affordable health insurance to small businesses and their employees -- a major selling point for the health care legislation." They're unable to meet the deadline of implementation.? The law requires it to be implemented next year starting in January, and they're not gonna make it.? It's just now April of 2013, and they're not gonna make January of '14.?

Unable to meet tight deadlines in the new health care law, which they wrote, the regime "is delaying parts of a program intended to provide affordable health insurance to small businesses and their employees. ... The law calls for a new insurance marketplace specifically for small businesses, starting next year. But in most states, employers will not be able to get what Congress intended: the option to provide workers with a choice of health plans. They will instead be limited to a single plan."

That much-touted choice, the much-touted flexibility which was the way that they were gonna lower costs.? "Oops, sorry, we're behind."? That isn't happening.? We're not gonna be able to get that done until 2015.? "The choice option, already available to many big businesses, was supposed to become available to small employers in January. But administration officials said they would delay it until 2015 in the 33 states where the federal government will be running insurance markets known as exchanges."? Those states refuse to do the exchanges, so the government's gotta come in and do it, and they're not set up for that.? There's no provision for the federal government to run an exchange in one state, much less 27 of 'em.?

"The promise of affordable health insurance for small businesses was portrayed as a major advantage of the new health care law, mentioned often by White House officials and Democratic leaders in Congress as they fought opponents of the legislation." This was a major selling point.? This was the reason we had to do it, and we had to do it now because it was gonna affect so many people, small businesses and their employees.? But now the regime is unable to meet the tight deadlines, and so they just decided that they're gonna move the requirement from January of 2014 to sometime in 2015.?

Now, you'll remember, as I recall for you, this provision, all of these choices for small businesses and their employers, which were going to offer the opportunity for lower prices, this was the provision that was required to get Mary Landrieu's vote for Obamacare.? This was a specific provision promised to her, required by her based on concerns that she raised.? But it's not just her.? There were a lot of people who were assured and promised that health care was gonna be cheaper, it was gonna be filled with more choice, and the small business specifically here was cited as -- I mean, this is a major, major element of Obamacare.?

So people are starting to ask a question.? "Well, look, if this isn't gonna be ready in time and if that's not gonna be ready in time and if that's not gonna be ready in time, why don't we just delay the implementation of this for a full year, every aspect of it, why do this piecemeal?"? And the answer to that is -- even though I don't care today -- the answer to that is that the Democrats don't want this kind of failure going into the midterm elections or the presidential election.? They don't want it.? That's why 2015 is sort of a drop-dead date to get as much of this implemented -- well, 2014 was actually the target year.? They're not gonna make that now.? And this is a huge, huge provision here.?

By the way, this isn't gonna matter, nobody's gonna say anything, nobody's gonna do anything about it, but they do not have independently the authority to delay this on their own.? They've gotta go get approval and votes to move this.? It's another aspect of the law that's just gonna be ignored, but they do not have -- and it's written in the legislation -- they do not have, the regime just can't say, "You know what, we're gonna delay that a year."? They'll get away with it like they get away with everything else, but statutorily they don't have the right or the freedom, or what have you, to do that.

But you'll notice now, the New York Times health care news is always in the back of the front section, because it's always bad news.? It's always, for the most part, news about all the problems with Obamacare.? And I think I said last week and a number of people have said this, this thing, folks, is so massive, it is so big, it is so unruly.? Remember my analogy?? I was watching a fascinating BBC show called The Challenger, and it was about the official investigation into what caused the Challenger explosion in 1986.? And there's a scene where two of the primary characters are driving to the Pentagon for a demonstration. An Air Force general is showing a physicist some secret stuff about the solid rocket boosters as they're trying to steer him to the cause that they know but that they can't be part of revealing.?

The show has not aired in America.? It's only aired on the BBC.? It stars I think William Hurt, who plays the physicist, Dr. Richard Feynman, who's no longer alive. He was one of the few civilians on the official commission to investigate what happened.? And as we all know now, the O-rings were not tolerant of cold temperatures and they were not properly tested and it was unusually cold the morning of that launch. The O-rings, think of rubber that has to expand and fill gaps. It hardened, it didn't expand, and so flames escaped what should have been tight enclosures, the thing blew up.?

Well, they were caught.? They wanted to tell everybody what happened, but they couldn't reveal national security secrets at the same time.? Sally Ride, an astronaut, she was on the commission, the late Sally Ride, and an Air Force general who knew what happened.? They knew that the O-rings blew up, but Morton-Thiokol, the manufacturers, were trying to cover it up, obviously, a lot of people were.? So they were trying to steer Feynman, the physicist, to the answer that he would conclude on his own as far as anybody else thought, the O-ring problem.? And really what it boiled down to was the reason why they didn't want to make any of it public is because what they were ultimately telling the world was that the United States could not launch military payloads of any kind in weather below 50 degrees.?

It's 1986.? That would have been overwhelmingly valuable to somebody like the Soviet Union, or the ChiComs.? So they were caught between a rock and a hard place.? They wanted everybody to know. They wanted to be public. It was the Reagan administration, they didn't want to cover anything up, but at the same time they had a secret that they needed to protect for national security.? Anyway, in this show, it's about 90 minutes, maybe two hours, they're driving the Pentagon, a thought struck me.? Because they had an aerial view of the Pentagon and these two guys are driving in, and the Air Force general is gonna give Dr. Feynman a slideshow presentation that will not conclude anything, but Feynman's supposed to get the picture on his own without anybody actually telling him.?

And I got to thinking, is there anybody, is there any single individual alive who knows everything going on at the Pentagon today, tomorrow, right now, next week?? And, of course, the logical answer is "no."? But stop and think about that.? The Pentagon is national defense.? The Pentagon is the defense of the people of this country, the Constitution, and there are things going on in there.? I'm not talking about conspiracies.? I'm just talking about massive bureaucracies. There are things going on in there that nobody knows.? The president doesn't know everything going on in there, the secretary of defense doesn't know.?

By definition, some things have to be kept secret from everybody.? What is it that keeps everybody in there from going rogue, with so many people doing things that not one single person can know?? And it struck me that health care is the same.? In fact, I once ran into a former director of central intelligence, CIA director, and I said, "Were you aware of everything the agency was doing?"?

"No, it's impossible."?

I have a very distorted, immature -- not immature -- naive view of chief executives.? In my estimation, they know everything.? CEO of Exxon, I've always thought, knows everything going on there.? He doesn't, but I've always thought that a CEO did.? He obviously has to delegate, but in terms of knowledge.? But the CIA director, the ex-CIA director, "No, I can't possibly tell you everything going on in here."? I know that that's intellectually true.? It still shocks me, because everybody in there is following orders.? Somebody's giving 'em.?

Health care's the same thing, folks.? This thing is so open-ended with so many people in charge of it, the areas of Obamacare in the law itself where you'll find the phrase "as the secretary shall determine."? The number of times that phrase appears is almost too many to count.? So here you have the implementation of one aspect of this law, which is not gonna be made on time, central aspect of it, small business, the businesses and their employees, but the number of regulations added to this legislation every day even now number in the thousands of pages.? It's simply not possible for any one person to understand health care in this country.?

And what is health care?? You go to the doctor when you're not feeling well.? If you need surgery, you go to the hospital for an operation.? We've turned that into something so complicated that our way of dealing with it is inexplicable to people.? So now we've got this provision, these state exchanges... you wait. You know our call yesterday afternoon, what was her name from Tampa?? The expert on SSDI and all these other -- what was her name?? She's probably gonna get closer to finding out how to scam the health care system than anybody actually in charge of it.? She's already figured out SSDI, SSI, the food stamp program, how to manage your prescriptions from one day to the next so that people don't figure out you're getting them every day.? It's amazing.?

If you missed that call, we've got it at In fact, Snerdley, I had people e-mail me yesterday saying it was the funniest thing they ever saw.? They said, "Watching it on the Dittocam," I didn't look at it, people said, "You shoulda seen you.? The visuals of you reacting to that woman are priceless.? Ellen from Clearwater.? Clearwater, Tampa, same difference.? But I'm serious, folks, something as routine as you get sick, you need to go to the doctor, it's become something incomprehensible.? Nobody can explain how this is gonna get done and how it's gonna get paid for, and just the simple procedure of you getting sick and needing to go to the doctor is gonna become one of the most complicated things in everybody's life that nobody's gonna be able to explain.? And, in its own way, it's a microcosm of what interacting with the government on anything is becoming.


RUSH: We've ripped up the greatest health care system in the world. We've replaced it with something that isn't even implementable, and now the implementation of what isn't workable has been delayed.? That isn't gonna work.? Obamacare was never, never, ever gonna work.? We just get more and more evidence of this each and every day.??


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